Friday, June 5, 2009

Late Night Editing with Antoine

What a night what a night what a night. This was the second all-nighter editing session Antoine and I have pulled...

I cut a few scenes between Zach and Zane, while Antoine cut some other sequences. Slowly but surely, we're starting to see how the scenes will look once we piece them together... and I must say... I think we've all made a pretty great film.

But we're not out of the woods yet- there are still issues with audio, compositing that needs to be done, scoring and sound effects are still needed, we have a deadline to finish the rough edit by for a pre-screening, AND, as impossible as it may seem- don't forget we still have a day left of shooting folks. I still don't understand how Antoine does it all.

Well it seems Antoine is done for the day, as you can see from the photo, and I should be too, considering I have to wake up for work at 7:00.

This better be the best goddamn hour of sleep EVER.

- Alex Bleyer (Co-Editor/Script Supervisor)


*_*Antoine*_* said...

Best two hours of sleep ever!

Alex Bleyer said...

for YOU maybe! You fell asleep!

"Posted by Alex Bleyer at 5:51 AM" and I woke up at 7am!