Monday, April 20, 2009

Production Day 7

Today was a big day. We were going to shoot in a really large park area.

It was great. The child actors were awesome, although I was very nervous about directing them.

Courtney was a tad late but that wasn't the worst of it.

We had to cut our shoot short because a park coordinator said we were not allowed to shoot at the park on Holidays or Weekends (Weekdays and non Holidays are fine). We got everything involving the kids done but we could not finish up Courtney's coverage or Sacha's coverage.

There was no way we could shoot Courtney without the location so we decided to reshoot on a later date during a weekday. But we could easily shoot Sacha's coverage because all of her shots were extreme close ups. So, we drove to look for a decent spot.

On the way we lost half the crew and I had to coordinate everyone back to one spot.

Filmmakers of the Day:
Chris Miller & Veronica Aguilera!

- Antoine Bandele (Director)


Ricky said...

Very cool stuff. What was it like directing kids?? Better or worse? :p

*_*Antoine*_* said...

These particular kids were extremely well behaved. Most times kids get really annoying but these two in particular were fantastic.